
Thursday 25 June 2020

Carl Thursday: Writing Task

  1. Pacific Islanders in WW1

  1. WALT use descriptive language to add detail

A group of soldiers from New Zealand and Australia went to fight in the war. They were known as the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). Some Pacific Islanders went to war too.

Task 1: Watch the videos about the Pacific Islanders who went to war.

New Zealand: The first world war

Anzac Special - World War I and its Pacific volunteers

Task 2:

Choose a Pacific Island:



Cook Islands



Research your chosen Island and write some vocabulary about it:

Task 3: Pretend you are someone from your chosen Pacific Island who has volunteered to serve in World War 1. Write a letter to someone back home.

What do you miss from home? [Research your Island for this]

What is your job?

Where are you and how did you get there?

What do you smell, hear, see, touch, taste?

When will you be home?


From (Lucas Jones)

It's my second month in battle at gallipoli. I feel like i wanna die but i have to keep on fighting for my country. The ottoman army has started to retreat but they're fighting their best and we can't do anything about that. It's my third month and they have started to bring more troops into battle and they have started bombing us so we sent troops to. We’ve started building trenches so we aren't too vulnerable to the explosives. We've started to push up the mountain but they're fighting back to get more territory. We're starting to fall back since they have the advantage of having the high ground and they know how to use it too. It's been a struggle but we’ve got higher than ever on the mounting but they have started to make barricades to block us out from climbing any farther up the mounting. We’ve bombed down their barricades but we have to hurry or they'll make it again and stronger maybe even bomb proof. We’ve gotten up the mountain. Finally it took a lot of work and men but this was for them. They start to retreat as we take down base by base and see the white flag rise. The miniature territorial war. (THE END)

(Based on a true story but with some tweaking)


Carl ANZAC Research Presentation

Carl ANZAC Facts

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Carl Word Problems Wednesday

Carl Wednesday: Writing Task

Women, Children or Animals in WW1

WALT use descriptive language to add detail

During world war I, women, children and animals all had special roles.

Task 1: Choose a topic and watch the video clips for that chosen topic:

Task 2: Brainstorm descriptions and vocabulary for your chosen topic.

My chosen topic:

Task 3: Write a description of the role that women/children/animals [choose one] had during the war.

  • Think about the 5 senses:
    • Smell
    • Hear
    • See
    • Touch
    • Taste

Start writing here:


(Carrier pigeons the story)

Back in ww1 and 2, the armies used pigeons. At first, you might question why pigeons would be used in a war. Well, pigeons were one of the best things a military could have for many many years. Even back in the Ancient times, the Egyptians used these pigeons as messengers. The Romans also used them to send results of the Olympics. Now we just use email or messenger so now we don't really care about pigeons, but this tells that there's more than meets the eye.

Now we usually think of pigeons as normal birds that poop at the worst times but back then these birds were getting badges of bravery which was called the dickin medal which mostly resembles the Victoria cross. Now let's stop talking about their past and what they could do let’s talk about what they were used for.

So back in ww1 and 2, we had used carrier pigeons to send messages in war. before that we would have sent men to send messages. There were some flaws like the enemy would shoot the man who had the message or he might step on a mine or a random artillery shot land close to him and kill him. So that's why they made carrying the pigeons really hard to hit or nearly impossible to hit really land any bullet for the pigeon would be too high to hit with the altitude and the bullet velocity and the bullet drop too so it was very hard.

Back than carrier pigeons were very smart even up to this day so they were pretty easy to train because all you had to do was get a coop and somehow make the pigeons remember the coop is home so what they would do was go at least a mile away and tell it go fly back home and they would repeat this process but more farther every time they would do it until the length they need or want. Before you would let the pigeon go you would have to write in the coordinates because if there was a pre-written coordinates it might completely miss because sometimes the enemies push up the battlefield and you might have to move so that is why the person who has the pigeon will have to write on a blank piece of paper but there's a problem with that, they might die while writing of the paper.

The German’s had a defence which were hawks. In a hawks diet they wouldn't usually eat pigeons but these hawks were trained to take down pigeons/carrier pigeons. Carrier pigeons were hard to kill so that is why Germany had an idea which was to train hawks and kill carrier pigeons.

So carrier pigeons were replaced with telephones or radios so THE EN just kidding there's more than meets the eye remember so if you're listening leave a comment and (the class the end the end the end ) oh well THE END

(cher ami the best carrier pigeon)


Carl Women, Children and Animal Research Presentation

Carl Women, Children and Animals Facts

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Carl Baby Caiman Description

Baby Caiman Description

A baby caiman looks very agile and very cute. Once a baby caiman is hatched their mother leaves because she cannot feed them so the baby caimans walk to water to find their own food. Baby caimans emit a distress signal until they are 4 years old. Black caimans have no predators except for humans and jaguars. Black caimans are cousins to the alligator.

Carl Black Caiman Research Presentation

Carl Black Caiman Facts

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Carl Cobra Description

Cobra Description

Watch the video. Write a description of the cobras based on the perspective of the man in the video.
You can hear some of his thoughts in the video.

Include these words below in your writing:
Describe physical features
Describe Characteristics
Describe Feelings
Line Starters
Under Belly

Suddenly ..

Never in my life ...

In the blink of an eye … 

Immediately …

Almost unbelievably … 

Along the grass...
Start Writing below:
King cobra look like very long worms and have cat-like eyes and when you're around them you feel very scared because the king cobra can strike at a lightning fast pace. Now king cobra might look scary but they don't want to attack you unless you aggravate them and most of all the scales are beautiful. And i sometimes think how do they shed i mean it's like peeling of dead skin off your body but I always was amazed these creatures  

Carl King Cobra Research Presentation

Carl King Cobra Facts

Monday 8 June 2020

Carl Gorillas Research Presentation

Carl Gorillas

Information sourced from Kiddle and Live Science

What are gorillas?
Gorillas are ground dwelling apes, this means that they live mostly on the ground in the forest. The gorilla is divided into two species, the eastern and western gorilla. They are then divided into four subspecies:

Mountain Gorilla:
The mountain gorilla can be found around volcanoes and in high-altitude tropical forests in Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of the Congo. They have long thick fur which helps them to live in colder temperatures. They are critically endangered with less than 800 thought to be left in the wild. They mostly eat foliage, such as leaves, stems and shoots. Fruit makes up a small part of their diet. They have flexible diets and can live in a variety of different habitats.

Western Lowland Gorilla
These gorillas can be found in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Congo and Equatorial Guinea. They are said to have redder and greyer fur than the other eastern species. These gorillas are also categorised as endangered due to threat of habitat destruction and hunting from humans. They depend on fruit more than any other species of gorilla.

Eastern Lowland Gorilla
These gorillas can be found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These are the largest of the subspecies of gorillas, they are similar to mountain gorillas but have shorter fur and narrower faces and rounder nostrils. They are also categorised as endangered with fewer than 5,000 left in the wild. They have a diverse diet which changes with the seasons. Leaves are commonly eaten but fruit can make up as much as 25% of their diet. They will also eat insects such as ants if they need to.

Cross River Gorillas:
The Cross River gorilla is the world's rarest ape with fewer than 300 surviving in the wild. They can be found in a small area between Nigeria and Cameroon. Their skulls are shaped differently than the western lowland gorilla and are also redder and greyer than the eastern subspecies. These are the hardest species of gorilla to study.

Carl Gorilla Facts

Thursday 28 May 2020

Carl Cruella de Vil - Questions

Cruella de Vil - Questions

Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1) Who wrote the original book, The Hundred and One Dalmatians?
a) Dorothy Smith b) Donald Sanson 
c) Dodie Smith d) Dodie Sanson

2) When was this book written?
a) 2000 b) 1850
c) 1961 d) 1956

3) How could you describe the first 101 Dalmatians movie?
a) Animated b) Live-action

4) Why did Cruella de Vil want the Dalmatian puppies so much?
a) She wanted lots of puppies to make her life more interesting b) She wanted company
c) She wanted to make a fur coat d) She wanted to win a world record

5) What are the names of Cruella de Vil’s accomplices?
a) Jasper and Henry b) Jasper and Horace
c) Wallace and Gromet d) Tweety and Sylvester

6) Who did Cruella steal puppies from?
a) Anita Dearly b) Anita Darling
c) Anita Lovely c) Anita Caring

7) What two characteristics are mentioned in the song lyrics about Cruella de Vil??
a) Her hair and her finger nails b) Her eyes and her nose
c) Her lips and her stare d) Her teeth and her eye brows

8) Who should beware of Cruella de Vil, as mentioned in the song?
 a) Children b) Puppies
c) The Prime Minister d) Mr Goodwin

9) Would you like to come face to face with Cruella de Vil? Why or why not?

Why should i