
Monday 4 December 2017

A letter to santa

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would want a mini drone please. Also my name is Carl. In case you don't know my address, I live in Pt England, in Auckland, NZ. I am 7 years old.

I have a question - is it cold in the North Pole?

From Carl

Friday 20 October 2017

The gloworms cave

On the holidays. I went to the gloworms cave and I saw limestone In the cave also we went on a boat and I saw. Thousands of gloworms on the roof of the cave. Also there was string on the roof. Well not really. The string was. Where the diver could reach It so he could pull the boat through the deep water because there was no steering wheel. The underground water way was very narrow when It was the end of the gloworms cave we went to KFC so my parents could eat and the. Kids than we went to the holiday house. The end  

Monday 7 August 2017

Visiting Harold

Last week Room 24 went to visit Harold we were learning to be a good friend we learned to look after your friends and tell them to wear their helmet and to help them. Harold was funny and we were watching a movie about helping your friends it was cool because they were helping each other and I like to help my sister and cousin and they help me to so. I told them how to turn on the. PS4 

Wednesday 5 July 2017

My dream holiday

I would go to Fillipines with my mum and  dad to meet my grandma and grandpa. I would fly in a private jet with my own waiter. My waiter would give me some macdonalds. Next I really really miss the Fillipines next we land in the Fillipines then. I saw my grandma and grandpa. 

Friday 16 June 2017

Museum Tirp

Last week team 2 went to the Museum. First we went through some  huge doors. Then we sat on the ground to listen to the rules of the museum. Next we eat our morning tea, and next we put our bags in the cages. We went to Weird and Wonderful. We saw a pterodact.

Monday 29 May 2017

My Wonderful Weekend

On Saturday I played Mine Craft. First I turned on the PS4. Next I had to take away the Batman disk then I put the Mine Craft disk in. The PS4. I played with my sister. A few moments later my sister wanted to watch a movie. Then I went  to Netflix. We watched Boss Baby. I felt happy.!!!

Friday 26 May 2017

What makes a kite fly?

We wrote this piece of writing together as a class.
What makes a kite fly?

There are four forces that affect a kite when it is flying. They are gravity, lift, thrust, and drag.

Gravity is the force that keeps us on the ground. The heavier a kite is the harder it is to fly.

Lift is the force pushing the kite off the ground. Lift happens when air moves over the top of the kite at a faster speed than the air that is moving under the bottom of the kite.

The force that makes a kite move through the air is called thrust. Thrust happens with a kite when it is held in one place by its string, while the wind flows around the kite.

As air flows over the kite the wind gets held back a little by the roughness of the fabric. This friction is called drag.

What makes a Kite fly?

Tuesday 9 May 2017


We have been learning to make, name, and recognise wholes, halves, third parts, fourth parts and fifth parts using play dough.

Friday 5 May 2017

My Holiday Highlight

Last week I played with my sister We were playing on my PlayStation. we were playing Minecraft.first we got the controllers. Ten we put on the PlayStation. We were playing in the living room. We were playing Minecraft at night time. Lastly we watched a movie. 

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Melinda Szymanik Visits Room 24

Yesterday morning Melinda Szymanik came to Visits Room 24 she came because she is an author of children books and she wanted to share her love of book with us First I went reading with Miss Wilson Next I went back to Room 24 After that I came back to Room 24 and Melinda was reading the  book with No Pictures. I loved the story was funny and it made me laugh.  

Thursday 16 March 2017

Making Jelly

 Yesterday, in the morning Room 24 stated making the green colour of  traffic light jelly. First  Szymanik dowl the hot water for the jelly Next Taoro put the jelly crystals in the bowl . After  that Miss  Szymanik poured 2 cups of  hot water in the bowl. Kyzel started stirring the jelly crystal until they  dissolved. Lastly Miss  Szymanik put the jelly in the fridge. The jelly tasted delicious and yummy.   

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Point England Picnic

Last Friday we went to the beach. First we got our hats. We lined up and walked to the hall. Mr Burt told us the rules. Next we walked to the reserve. We sat down on the smooth grass. Then I found some clay. After that we went for a swim. Lastly we got our bag lined up. 

Thursday 16 February 2017

Playing with My Friends

On Saturday I played with Holly. First we played tag. After that we stopped. I felt good because I like playing tag with Holly.

Friday 10 February 2017

All About Me

My name is Carl. I am 6 years old. I am a student at Point England Primary School in Auckland New Zealand. My favourite thing to do at school is play basketball with my friends because I like to win with my team! I have one sister and my family are the best. My favourite food is eggs and my favourite colour is red. My goal is to be responsible.